
Home Health Care Patients with Hypertension

Home health care is one type of long-term care, which can be given by professionals and non professionals who have received training. Home health care, which is one form of health care is a component of a continuous range of health services and comprehensive given to individuals and families in their homes that aim to enhance, maintain or restore health and maximize independence and minimize the consequences of diseases including terminals. Services that fit the needs of individual patients and families, planned, coordinated and provided by service providers who are organized to provide home care staff or through contractual arrangements or a combination of both (C Warhola, 1980).

According Sherwen (1991), home health care as an integral part of nursing services performed by nurses to help individuals, families and communities to achieve self-reliance in solving health problems that exist. Meanwhile, Stuart (1998) describe the home health care as part of the nursing process in the hospital, which is a continuation of the repatriation plan (discharge planning), for clients who have time to go home from the hospital. Home treatment is usually done by nurses from the hospital initially, carried out by community nurses where the client is located, or carried out by special teams who deal with home care.

Purpose of Health Care

Home health care aims to:

1. Help clients maintain or improve health status and quality of life,
2. Improve the adequacy and effectiveness of care in family members with health problems and disabilities,
3. Strengthen family functioning and closeness among family,
4. Helping clients stay or return home and get the necessary treatment, rehabilitation or palliative care,
5. Health care costs will be more controllable.

Equipment required - Home Health Care Patients with Hypertension :

1. Tensimeter
2. Stethoscope
3. Scale
4. Syringe
5. Infusion set
6. Drugs

Etc. ...............................


1. Evaluation of nurse
2. Evaluation of patient / family

Inform Concern

Consent of the patient and family
Approval of financing and participation in care
Approval of the system of salary / wages of home care personnel.