

NANDA Appendicitis

Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum.

Acute appendicitis is defined as the acute inflammation of the appendix. It is the most common surgical emergency.

Causes of acute appendicitis:
The appendix contains a lumen in it. Anything that causes obstruction of the lumen will cause appendicitis. In adults, the lumen is commonly obstructed by fecaliths. Fecalith means hard fecal matter.

In teens and children, the lumen can be obstructed due to inflammation (submucosal lymphoid hyperplasia).

Appendicitis characterized by pain in the right or central abdomen, nausea and fever.

Appendicitis symptoms present itself as a type of acute abdominal pain. It usually spreads around the person's abdomen's lower right region. After some time, the infection spreads and the intensity of pain will increase. You can distinguish the pain because it seems sharper as compared to other typical abdominal conditions.
Vomiting and anorexia can occur after the feeling of pain. Besides, an elevated body temperature is a sign of an ongoing inflammation in the body.

NANDA Appendicitis

Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis

1. Risk for Infection

2. Acute pain

3. Risk for Fluid Volume

4. Anxiety

5. Knowledge Deficit