
Dengue Fever

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis for Dengue FeverDengue Fever

Dengue fever is an acute febrile disease caused by dengue virus and is spread through the medium of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which had been infected with the dengue virus. Dengue fever is divided into two, namely: dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a more severe form of dengue fever, bleeding and shock, which can sometimes occur that result in death.

Here are the Symptoms of Dengue Fever:
  • Sudden high fever continuously.
  • Headache especially in the forehead.
  • Pain in the back of the eyeball.
  • Pain in the body or joints.
  • Nausea / vomiting.
  • Reddish face.
  • Acute fever for 2-7 days, accompanied by headache, sore muscles and joints.
  • Be accompanied by a decrease of platelets.
  • The heat will go down in the third or fourth day.
  • Better cure rates.
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever:
  • Sudden high fever, accompanied by headache, pain in the back of the eyeball, sometimes abdominal pain.
  • There are signs of a rash or red spots on the skin.
  • Not accompanied by a cough or sore throat.
  • Platelets and leukocytes down (less than 100,000)
  • An increase in hematocrit (up 20 percent of normal).
  • Bleeding in the soft tissues (nose, mouth, or gums).
  • Plasma leakage occurs. The more leaks can cause shock.
  • Pain in the gut are continuous.
  • Bleeding at the nose, mouth, gums or skin bruising.
  • Persistent vomiting, sometimes accompanied by blood.
  • Fecal droppings are blackish in color, due to the occurrence of bleeding in internal organs.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • The skin is pale and cold.
  • Decreased consciousness and somnolence.
Measures that can be done

Currently, the main methods used to control and prevent the occurrence of dengue hemorrhagic fever is to make the eradication of the mosquito Aedes aegypti as a dengue virus spreaders.

Mosquito Aedes aegypti can be indoors or outdoors. Inside the house are usually mosquitoes like to hide in dark places like closets, coat hanger, under beds, etc.. While outside the home when the mosquito Aedes aegypti is like the shade and moist. The female mosquito will usually put their eggs in water containers around homes, schools, offices, etc., where the eggs can hatch within 10 days.
Therefore, measures to drain the water bath, cover the places that contain water and bury the discarded items can be a puddle of water is very important to do, not just by governments alone but by all members of society so that the mosquito Aedes aegypti can be restricted existence.

Nursing Diagnosis for Dengue Fever
  1. Deficient Fluid Volume
  2. Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion
  3. Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements
  4. Hyperthermia