
Impaired Physical Mobility related to Stroke

Impaired Physical Mobility related to StrokeNursing Diagnosis for Stroke: Impaired Physical Mobility

A stroke is also referred to as a brain attack, and it occurs when a blood vessel leading to the brain ruptures or gets blocked due to plaque deposits. When plaque accumulates on the wall of arteries, it is known as arthrosclerosis.

A stroke leads to several complications because the patient experiences weakness, paralysis and they cannot perform daily living activities. Their quality of life reduces, as they cannot shop, socialize and feed themselves. A stroke also leaves a person with visual defects and this causes them to eat their meals partially. They will consume just what they can see. The visual orientation might get affected from left to right. A visual problem can lead to the grave neglect of food and diet, and leaves a deficit in their nutrition.

Strokes affect millions of individuals around the United States each year, claiming more than 150,000 lives annually. Of those who survive, about one-third suffers from permanent disabilities. For decades, physicians have noticed that strokes impact men and women differently, though no conclusive study has discovered the reason.

Impaired Physical Mobility related to Stroke

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke: Impaired Physical Mobility related to the involvement of neuromuscular weakness.

Expected outcomes are:
  • Maintain the optimal position of function as evidenced by the lack of footdrop contracture.
  • Maintain / improve strength and function of the affected body part or compensation.

Nursing Interventions for Stroke - Impaired Physical Mobility

1. Assess functional ability / extent of initial damage by way of regular, classified by scale of 0-4.

Rational: To identify strengths, weaknesses and can provide information through the recovery.

2. Change position at least every 2 hours (back, oblique) and if possible more often if placed in a compromised position.

Rational: Lowering the risk of trauma / ischemia area damaged tissue is more bad circulation and decrease of sensation and minimize pressure sores.

3. Put on the tummy one or two feet a day if the patient can tolerate it.

Rationale: Helps to maintain a functional hip extension.

4. Perform the exercise of active and passive range of motion.

Rationale: Minimizing muscle atrophy helps increase circulation mensegah contractures.

5. Chock limb in a functional position, use a board foot (food board) during the period of paralysis flaksid, maintaining a neutral head position.

Rational: To prevent contractures (foot drop) and facilitate their role if it works again.

6. Use the support arm when the patient is in an upright position, as indicated.

Rationale: During paralysis flaksid use of buffers can reduce the risk of subluksasio arm and shoulder arm syndrome.

7. The position of the knee and hip in extension position.

Rationale: Maintaining a functional position.

8. Collaboration / consultation with physiotherapists actively resistive exercises and ambulation.

Rationale: a special program can be developed to determine / find a need, which means / avoid these shortcomings in the balance, coordination and strength.