
Nursing Intervention for Infection

NANDA: Risk for Infection


Circumstances where an individual is susceptible to the pathogenic and opportunistic agents (viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, or other parasites) from external sources, the sources of exogenous and endogenous.

Expected outcomes are:

Individuals will:
  1. Techniques showed a very careful hand washing.
  2. Free of nosocomial infection during the hospitalization
  3. Demonstrate the ability of the risk factors associated with infection and make the proper precautions to prevent infection.

Nursing Intervention for Risk for Infection:

1. Identification of individuals at risk for nosocomial infection
  • Assessed against the predictor
    • Infection (pre-surgical)
    • Abdominal or thoracic surgery
    • Operating for more than 2 hours
    • Procedures genitouranius
    • Instrumentation (ventilator, suction, catheter, nebulizer, tracheostomy, invasive monitoring tool)
    • Anesthetics

  • Assess the factors that disrupt
    • Age younger than 1 year, or older than 65 years
    • Obesity
    • The conditions of the underlying disease (COPD, diabetes, cardiovascular disease)
    • Drug abuse
    • Nutritional Status
    • Smokers
2. Reduce the organisms enter the body
  • Wash hands carefully
  • Antiseptic techniques
  • Isolation
  • Diagnostic or therapeutic procedures that need
  • Reduction of microorganisms that can be transmitted through the air.
3. Protect the immune-deficient individuals
  • Instruct individuals to request to all visitors and personnel to wash their hands before approaching the individual.
  • Limit visitors when possible
  • Limit of invasive devices (IV, laboratory specimen) to the really need it.
  • Teach individuals and family members for signs and symptoms of infection.
4. Reduce the individual susceptibility to infection
  • Encourage and maintain caloric intake and protein in the diet.
  • Monitor the use or overuse of antimicrobial therapy.
  • Give antimicrobial therapy was prescribed in 15 minutes of scheduled time
  • Minimize the length of hospital stay.
5. Observed for clinical manifestations of infection (eg fever, cloudy urine, purulent drainage)

6. Instruct individuals and families to know the causes, risks of infection and transmission power.

7. Report of infectious diseases.