
Nursing Care Plan for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a condition lasting damage to brain tissue and not progressive, occurring in a young (since birth) and hinder normal brain development, with the clinical picture may change throughout life and showed abnormalities in the attitude and movement, accompanied by neurological abnormalities in the form of spastic paralysis , ganglia disorders, basal, cereblum and mental disorders.


Causes can be divided into three parts, namely:

a. prenatal

Infection occurs in the womb, causing abnormalities in the fetus, for example by Lues, toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalic inclusion body disease. The disorder is usually marked movement disorder and mental retardation. Anoxia in the womb, exposed to X-ray radiation and toxicity of pregnancy may cause "cerebral palsy".

b. perinatal

1) anoxia / hypoxia
The cause of the most found in the perinatal period is a brain injury. Disorder that causes anoxia. It is found in the state percentage of abnormal babies, cephalopelvic disproportion, parturition length, placenta previa, placental infection, parturition using the help of certain instruments and born with caesarean sectio.

2) Bleeding brain
Hemorrhage and anoxia can occur together, that it is difficult to distinguish, for example, bleeding around the brain stem, the respiratory center and interrupt blood circulation, resulting in anoxia. Bleeding may occur in the subarachnoid space will cause a blockage of cerebrospinal fluid, causing hydrocephalus. Subdural bleeding, can suppress the cerebral cortex, causing spastic paralysis.

3) Prematurity
Preterm babies have suffered a brain hemorrhage is more likely than term infants, because the blood vessels, enzymes, clotting factors and others are still not perfect.

4) Jaundice
Jaundice in the newborn period can cause lasting damage to brain tissue caused by the entry of bilirubin into the basal ganglia, such as abnormalities in blood group incompatibility.

5) Meningitis purulenta
Purulenta meningitis in infancy when the late or improper treatment will result in residual symptoms of "cerebral palsy"

c. postnatal
Any damage to brain tissue that interferes with the development could cause "cerebral palsy". For example, in trauma capitis, encephalitis and meningitis scarring.

Nursing Diagnosis for Cerebral Palsy. Nursing Care Plan for Cerebral Palsy

a. Risk for injury

b. Impaired physical mobility

c. Growth and development alteration

d. Impaired verbal communication

e. Risk for aspiration

f. Thought processes disturbed

g. Self-Care Deficit

h. Knowledge Deficit