

Depression is a condition that is more of a sad situation, when the depressed person's condition to cause the disruption of their daily social activities then it is called as a depression disorder. Some symptoms of depression disorders are feelings of sadness, excessive fatigue after usual routine activity, lost interest and enthusiasm, lazy bunch, and disruption of sleep patterns. Depression is one of the major causes of suicide.

Cause of a condition of depression include:
  • Organo-biological factors due to imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, especially serotonin
  • Psychological factors as psychological stress load, the impact of learning behavior of a social situation
  • Socio-environmental factors such as loss of spouse, loss of employment, post-disaster, the impact of everyday life situations other.

If at any time you feel any symptoms of depression, do not be silent. Act immediately to help yourself.

How do I? The following steps can hopefully help you.
  • Be realistic, do not be too idealist.
  • If you have a task or job to build up, divide the tasks and prioritize. Perform tasks that are able to do.
  • If you have a problem, do not be buried alone. Try the "story" to people you trust. Typically, this will create a feeling more comfortable and lightweight.
  • Try to take part in activities that can make your heart happy, such as exercising, watching movies, or participate in social activities.
  • Try to always think positive.
  • Do not hesitate, and embarrassed to seek help from family or friends.

NANDA Depression Nursing Assessment

A. Depression

a. Subjective data:

Not able to express their opinions and lazy talk. Frequently expressed somatic complaints. Felt he was no longer useful, was by no means, no purpose in life, feeling hopeless and suicidal.

b. Objective data:

Body movements are inhibited, the body is curved and when sitting in a slumped position, facial expression moody, slow gait with the steps being dragged. May sometimes occur stupor. Patients seem lazy, tired, no appetite, difficulty sleeping and crying. Thought process too late, as if his mind is empty, impaired concentration, had no interest, can not think, do not have imagination. In patients with depressive psychosis there is a deep feeling of guilt, no sense (irrational), delusions of sin, depersonalization, and hallucinations. Sometimes the patient rather hostile (hostility), irritability (irritable) and do not like to be disturbed.

2. Maladaptive coping

a. Subjective data: state of hopelessness and helplessness, unhappy, hopeless.

b. Objective data: look sad, irritable, restless, unable to control impulses.

Nursing Diagnosis for Depression

1. Risk for Self-Mutilation and Other

2. Depression