
Treatment of Dissociative Amnesia

Treatment of Dissociative Amnesia

a. Anamnesa

Client a 27-year-old woman, who has a pressure and bad experiences in the past. Clients have lost the memory of past information. The family was told what he had experienced days of her past clients and provide the information needed therapist in exploring the information to the client.

b. Rapport

Therapists try to make the client feel comfortable first. Through a lightweight approach like asking the identity of the subject. Providing drinking subjects and a comfortable seat for the subject.

c. Identification

The therapist began by asking questions to deepen the experience of the past. Therapists explore the experiences of past clients who have experienced. The client was unable to recall the events of the past have ever experienced. Can be diagnosed that the client has dissociative amnesia. Someone who experienced dissociative amnesia becomes unable to name the personal information that matters, usually involving a traumatic experience or a stressful, in a form that can not be considered ordinary forgetting. Memory is lost in dissociative amnesia can return. Recalling the dissociative amnesia can occur gradually, but often appear suddenly and spontaneously.

d. Choosing Therapy

Interviews can provide clinical guidance, the originator of a psychologically traumatic. Short-acting barbiturates and work, such as thiopental (pentothal) and amobarbital sodium given intravenously and benzodiazepines can be useful to help patients recover lost memories. Hypnosis can be used primarily as a way to make the client remember what has been forgotten.

e. Doing Therapy

Therapists conduct in-depth interviews of clients psychologically. Provide thiopental (pentothal) and amobarbital sodium given intravenously and benzodiazepines. Hypnosis can be used primarily as a way to make clients relax enough to remember what has been forgotten. Clients placed in a state where somnonen on mental inhibition eliminated and forgotten material arising into consciousness and then remembered again. If the memory loss has been obtained, the therapist is usually recommended to help patients enter into a state of mind consciousness.

f. Evaluation

At the time of treatment has ended, the therapist evaluate the client's development.
· The initial phase
The client has lost his memory of his past and can not recall.
· When implemented treatment
Client driven by drugs and hypnosis is given. The client was assisted by the therapist put back in a state of conscious recollection.
· The last stage
Clients sufficiently progressed, many clients to recall what had happened to the days past. Need assistance in remembering and facing family memories have been forgotten.