

NANDA Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a common and very dangerous as well as a contagious disease which can be caused by a range of strains of mycobacteria. Tuberculosis is known to exist even before the year 2000BC, and writings from Egypt and Babylon mention it. Even the in the Greek literature there can be found information about phthisis and local doctors considered this disease to be very dangerous for citizens.

Many people in the world are being infected with this disease as it is one of the most frequent and a fearsome disease and it can be measured as one third of the total world population who are now almost infected with this disease. According to WHO estimation in the year 2007, there were 13.7 million chronic active cases, which had been seen mostly in the developing countries and out of all there were 9.3 million new cases, and 1.8 million deaths were in the estimation report.

The Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the infection by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease has been around since the Neolithic times. The cure was recently developed and has ever since saved many lives across the globe. The bacteria causing the disease were first identified in the year 1882 by Robert Koch. He described them under the microscope as rod-shaped germs/ bacilli. The Tuberculosis can also afflict the cattle only that it is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. The bacteria from infected cattle can be transmitted via the taking of the infected milk.

The bacteria causing Tuberculosis can be spread from one person to the next via particles in the air. However, it is not a guarantee that one will get infected after the inhalation. The infection chances are determined by ones immune system whether it can be able to destroy the bacteria before it enters the body. Some people develop latent infection where they carry the bacteria but will neither present the symptoms and neither will they be contagious.

The important symptoms of Tuberculosis are chest pain, coughing up blood, and a productive and lingering cough for more than three weeks. There are some of the systematic symptoms of this disease too and these are continuous fever, chills, frequently getting night sweats, immediate appetite loss, weight loss, whiteness, and feeling exhausted in most of the time. The infected person has odorous mucus. Some of the extra pulmonary infections can be included, like the pleura in tuberculosis pleurisy for which the central nervous system gets affected.

NANDA Tuberculosis

Nursing Diagnosis for Tuberculosis

  1. Ineffective Airway Clearance

  2. Risk for impaired Gas Exchange

  3. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements

  4. Risk for Infection

  5. Fatigue

  6. Ineffective Coping

  7. Risk for Injury

  8. Deficient Knowledge [Learning Need] regarding condition, treatment, prevention.