

NANDA Diabetes

Nursing Diagnosis for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Diabetes is a disease in which the body doesn't produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, an organ near the stomach. Insulin is needed to turn sugar and other food into energy.

Many doctors and researching call the rise in diabetes cases an epidemic of the world. Constant research is being performed to seek out new person with diabetes treatments to control blood sugar and reduce the health related side effects associated with the condition.

There is no known cause for the onset of diabetes. However, there are certain factors that place a person at higher risk of contracting diabetes.
The risk factors of diabetes can include:
  • A family history of diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity
Three main forms of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes (occurring during pregnancy),[1] which have similar signs, symptoms, and consequences, but different causes and population distributions. Ultimately, all forms are due to the beta cells of the pancreas being unable to produce sufficient insulin to prevent hyperglycemia.[2] Type 1 is usually due to autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells which produce insulin. Type 2 is characterized by tissue-wide insulin resistance and varies widely; it sometimes progresses to loss of beta cell function. Gestational diabetes is similar to type 2 diabetes, in that it involves insulin resistance; the hormones of pregnancy cause insulin resistance in those women genetically predisposed to developing this condition.

Common Causes of Diabetes

There are some common diabetes causes that include genetic causes as well as environmental causes. The risk of diabetes is higher if there is a family history of diabetes. Environmental factors that can lead to the onset of diabetes include poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and stress. Diabetes is a disease that can be prevented -or controlled once a diagnosis has been made.

Symptoms of Diabetes

People with diabetes often complain of having some of the following vague unexplained concerns, which may indicate that you perhaps could be exhibiting diabetic type symptoms:

• Unexplained weight loss
• Deep breathing while not exerting yourself
• Insatiable hunger and thirst
• Fatigue or tiredness
• Frequent urination
• Vomiting or nausea
• Sores that take longer than usual to heal
• Itchy or crawl sensation on your skin

The list above is not an inclusive list by any means but they are symptoms that are should be investigated further by your medical professional. An early diagnosis of diabetes can then get you not only relief from the symptoms you are displaying but proper treatment to keep your diabetes in hand in order for you to remain well.

While the symptoms of diabetes are not life threatening, diabetes can lead to other more serious diseases and illnesses. People who have been diagnosed with diabetes are at a higher risk of diseases and illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, neuropathy and nerve damage, foot conditions, and blindness. It is extremely important to control your diabetes in order to avoid the onset of these more serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses.
There are medications that can be used in the control of diabetes, as well as many natural remedies. However, the single most important aspect of a diabetic management plan is a healthy diet and exercise. A healthy diet should consist of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, carbohydrates in healthy portions, Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins in healthy portions, and fiber. A healthy diet not only helps your overall health, but also can be a major factor in offsetting the symptoms of diabetes. The longer you can prevent the symptoms of diabetes, the longer you can decrease the risks of more serious illnesses associated with diabetes.

NANDA Diabetes

Nursing Diagnosis for Diabetes
  1. Impaired Skin Integrity

  2. Impaired Physical Mobility

  3. Pain (Acute / Chronic)

  4. Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements

  5. Risk for Infection

  6. Disturbed Sleep pattern

  7. Impaired Physical Mobilization

  8. Knowledge deficient

  9. Anxiety
Nursing Diagnosis for Diabetes